picture of Norris & Eli Dale

Norris & Eli Dale
Portland, Maine

"Where have you been?" said she, said she,
"Where have you been?" said she;
"Where have you been?" said she, said she,
"Where have you been?" said she.

"Well, I ain't been far away," said he, said he.
"I ain't been far away," said he;
"No, I ain't been far away," said he, said, he.
"Ain't been far away," said he.

"But I thought that you drowned in that cold northern gale,
Along with the rest of your crew;
I thought that you drowned in that cold northern gale,
Along with the rest of your crew."

"But spring lightning and thunder brought me back, brought me back,
Spring lightning and thunder brought me home;
Cold northern gale took me down, took me down.
Spring lightning and thunder brought me back."

"Are you here to stay?" said she, said she.
"Are you here to stay?" said she;
"Are you here to stay?" said she, said she,
"Are you here to stay?" said she.

"Only till you wake," said he, said he.
"Only till you wake," said he;
"Yes, it's only till you wake," said he, said he.
"Only till you wake," said he.

And when she awoke the very next morn,
In the hush of a just passing storm,
She ran to the window only to see
Storm heading over the bay.

"Spring lightning and thunder bring him back, bring him back,
Spring lightning and thunder bring him home;
Cold northern gale took him down, took him down,
Spring lightning and thunder bring him back."

"Spring lightning and thunder bring him back, bring him back,
Spring lightning and thunder bring him home;
Cold northern gale took him down, took him down,
Spring lightning and thunder bring him home."

(words and music by Mark Wisner, used with permission)

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