picture of Dick Dufresne

Dick Dufresne
Kennebunkport, Maine

To ol' Cally-o we are bound away,
Refrain:  Oh, rooolll!
To ol' Cally-o we are bound away,
Refrain:  Oh, rooolll!
We're outward bound from Liverpool Bay
To them flash girls of Chile who'll grab all our pay.

Oh, roolll! Rock yer bars,
Heave 'er high-o,
Rock 'er oh, roolll!

Well, Pedro the Crimp, oh we know 'im of ol'...
He's primin' his vino an' dopin' his beer,
An' it's off for the Chinchas if we don't steer clear...

Oh, them flash girls of Chile they treat us so fine...
Well, they'll greet us an' love us an' treat us to wine,
But you know they are robbin' us most of the time...

An' when it comes time to sail away home…
From some ol' seaport town on the west coast of hell,
We'll sing "Adios!" an' we'll bid you farewell...

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